Advanced IT Concepts?
Experience with YOUR Products
At Advanced IT, we solely work with title insurance industry software and its accessories, along with the auxiliary applications that it takes to keep your business running efficiently. We also have strong relationships with the top tier title insurance application support groups. This allows for quick and direct access to level 2 or higher support personnel so we can resolve issues promptly.
Knowledge of YOUR Language
Our employees understand what a closing disclosure, policy exception and underwriter mean when clients explain their issues. All ADVIT employees are required to complete TLTA’s Basics of Title Insurance course.
Understanding YOUR Industry
With over 50 years of combined experience in the title insurance industry, ADVIT knows your business! Several personnel with the company have walked in your shoes, so they understand the processes your employees go through on a daily basis. As a TLTA member, ADVIT is able to stay up with the trends in the industry to proactively plan for the constantly changing environment.